
Old Faithful Geyser at Yellow Stone National Park.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Why Some Marriages End Up in Divorce?

Two Souls Unite and End Up in a Church Wedding:)

Two Soul's Promised "Till Death do us Part":)

 We all recognize that Marriage starts from two persons, between Man and Woman. Two souls that unite and tie to charge their future to each other’s arms, and promise each other to take care, to be their companions, to be their partners, to be their best friends and most of all be their lawful husband and wife, and their witness is their faith to God. Because of the two united souls Marriage arose in the scenario of the relationship. You and I also knew the fact, that Marriage is not the end of hardship, troubles, pain and struggles. Indeed it is the continuation of every stage of the Marriage relationship. I grow-up with my Father away from us. He is working abroad and it made my Mom so hard from taking care of me and my 2 siblings. Though during those years I’m very young to feel the pain, but I knew the feelings of my Mom trying to respond to the responsibility of trying hard to make us grow up in a better way. Aside from being a Mom to us I know from the beginning that both of my parents feel the loneliness to each other because of being distance miles and miles away.

Wherever are you in this part of Globe, once you totally have Faith, Loyalty, and Truely Love to your Husband/Wife vice versa! then I do surely beleived that the Marriage will be  100% successful.

Some parties succeed being distance to each other, but on the other hand some also failed, like my Parents are. Being distance to each relationship is not only the reason why marriage end-up to Divorce, there is tons of reason why the relationship failed.
The reasons are the following:

Unfaithful to each other/Betrayal

In a relationship being Faithful is one of the best things we can offer back to our partners Love. It’s not fair to treat our Wife/Husband badly if all they do is to Love us. We all don’t deserve this unfaithfulness or crap. How can you go home, spending time with your family knowing that last night you just slept with someone else? I bet that would be annoying on your entire day with your Family. Unless if you don’t have this conscience feelings! Nobody’s deserve a betrayal either you or I.

Without Trust to each other

In any relationship from Friendship, to your Parents to Children’s vice versa and most especially to a Marriage "TRUST" is very crucial. Without this, every single of your time being with the Person close to your heart is nothing. Because instead of giving your 100% attention to your Man or Woman enjoying being together's company, surely it is uncomfortable on our position! Right my friend? I know that Trust is really hard to work out especially to those Folks who are betrayed many times by someone they thought they could trust and respect. But when time of needing them the most, they betrayed the family. We need to work out harder ourselves to Trust our Partner in order to feel our comfort zone in the future.

Lying to each other

Lying to each other is a key of doubt to a person’s perception which leads to a broken relationship. If our Partner lied to us, one thing crosses to our mind is the negative reason of the action. Some of us forced to lie into two types of reason “White Lie and the Black Lie”. In white Lie, most of the reason is because we wanted to protect our Love ones from pain that might be agony for them to accept. When they find out that there is some angled that were hiding for! Then that might be a reason for them to think a negative perception or output at the end. You know that our partners are very intelligent? They are not dumb like what we think, they remain to be silent, but believed me buddy they are smarter than we think. Their instinct are very high in terms of something, they smells something fishy right away. I say this for instance in my example as this really goes in real life.
A husband been fired from his company where he work, and his family is assuming that they are going to a European trip. Everything is ready from Hotel, to Air Ticket, to activities. But then the Husband is keeping his secret just to give his Family a joyful moment during their vacation. But then at the deepest sight of the Husband he knows that he has to push through more of his time to hunt another Job as soon as possible before his Family found it out. The Husband now is worried and he hardly enjoyed his moment though he laughs but he knows it’s full of pretensions. He needs a new job in order to sustain the responsibility to his family. His willing to accept the pain and troubles rather than his family feel this agony the same way he does.

In the above stated story. I know that the Husband didn’t do anything wrong on our case. But because of this white lies the Family would get hurt because they have the right to know everything inside the Family house, and wanted to help the family crisis.

Black lies are the symbol for me of a person showing disrespect to me. Black lies for me is also a symbol of betrayal. For me your black lies are unexceptional. I don’t need to poke any example because for me that’s all I believe it is unexceptional.


This can ruin your Brain, your mind, and most of all your Life, and your Family. If the Government caught you surely you'll end up your Life in the Prison.

Drink Moderately.
Not good if this well be your water every single of your day so please keep distance to this.

The Pictures I have in this Slot Machine was 2yrs ago when I visit Las Vegas USA. I play and I lost 20 USD$.

1st time I played  this slot Machine. I said I wanted to experienced and just for a minute I realise I lost 20 USD$ in just a blink of an eye. Don't let this Casino be your buddy for the rest of your life or else you shall loose everything you have specially the most important chapter of your life your "FAMILY".  

Drugs/alcohol/and Gambling is a very common reason why a Marriage end-up to a hurtful ending story. Because of this acts Marriage will slowly and slowly drowned the water. Fighting is always cross to the Husband and wife, drugs and alcoholic is the reason why the doer always feel Anger, aggressive, won’t accept any advices nor to listen any words of wisdom, and don’t want to follow what is right. And if Gambling also involved on it, definitely the Marriage become Miserable, the reason why the properties of your Family started to crush down to the toilet. Your partner starts to sell everything on your property, or started to borrow big amounts from anywhere just to sustain his/her drugs/alcohol and gambling addiction. Everything that you work hard for as a couple well goes slowly down, and most of all it will disappear, and all this happen because of your personal crooked act.

No time for each other/workaholic

In this image showing that the Man working hard even it is a Family day Sunday. No time for his Family. 

In a relationship we know that time is very crucial, for me my days won’t be complete without seeing my Husband. Sound weird and sounds annoying maybe but you can’t stop or change my perception about that. I understand that you’re a busy bee sweetheart, but bear in mind that everything you work hard for will be useless once the Jewel of your goal will disappear, and start to fade. Because you can’t even spend a few hours to your partner. Remember this that even God, took his day off when he build the Earth, Land, Animals, Trees, and living creatures. God stop to work and declared the Sunday to be the rest day, so maybe he wanted to rest, relax the entire day, and most of all to worship him by going to church.

Yes why not pull out your Sunday and put it to your Family. Why not start to drag your Family, kids and most of all your Husband/ wife to church. Give thanks to God about the successful weekeend you guys received from him. After church why not bring your family to a Lunch. It doesn’t matter if it is in a fine dining restaurant or just in a fast food chain, the important is you can talk your family what’s going on their week days, the important is you communicate them, or go for a picnic in the park, play with the kids Hug kiss your partner and please don’t forget the magic words I LOVE YOU.:) There are tons of stuffs to do, and there are many excuses too, but if we can manage our Time table from being a busy bee to a smooth bee to our family surely our family well be happy and content. Don’t you try to play the rule of being so distance to your partner because we know from the fact that there will be bad waiting for us in the next street. Though your just their and a second to call, but when you start to play the ball and thinking that your partner understand you because you’re working so hard for the family, so for you it is fine! Well my friend you are wrong! Because forgiving and understanding has an ending, and you don’t want this patience end to a BYE-BYE my love or shall I say I LOVE YOU GOODBYE so if I wear you start redoing your time table now before it’s too late.

Fighting because of the Money troubles

Ohhh goshhh fighting for money? I hate this really. But admit it or not Money is the evil temptation and the best enemy of marriage. We both know that Money is important in our living and that’s the fact! Without this $$$ we all know that we can’t support our family needs, our children can’t go to school. This are the reason, why we really need Money so bad, and this is our top priority in order to sustain the needs of our family financially. But my friend marked in mind at the end it also contributes the awful output on our side, or shall I say the opposite sight of what we wanted to be! When it comes to money everything just turned out screwed and turned the relationship down.
When money started to inter-acted our marriage, assume that this will bring the virus distruction to a relationship. If you and your partner are having trouble about money! please talk it slowly be calm, try to sort it out why you guys are in financial crisis? Why not start to list everything you guys spend for the month, then there definitely you guys find it why. Don’t start with the nasty exchanging words that causes us anger and unforgiving. This will end up a misunderstanding, and again BYE-BYE my Love.

The Love does not exist to both parties anymore.

Just emagine that this image is a symbol of Problem.

Again in a relationship to work! Standard procedure is to have two souls unite in order to attain Love.
My friend we know that Love can never be push by somebody just to be with that particular object. We can’t price Love most of all. Love is unconditional, I also believed that love can disappear but I know it has a reason why, we can’t push our partner to Love and stayed us forever, but we have tons of things to do to make sure the feelings won’t be banished. When you sort out that your Love already fade to your Partner! I think first thing we should do is to undergo for Counseling, talk to Priest. I believed that Counseling can help overcome the humped, to open the confusing thoughts of ours and talk everything the reason why. We need to work hard our flame in order to succeed our Marriage. As I said above Love need two souls in order to tied up and to work the fire of each Marriage Flame. As I do believed too it takes “Give and Take” plus please don’t be a leader in your Marriage because I know that our existence comes from the very root of God’s Love who created everything like you and I. Without God’s Presence in our relationship, whatever we do Love our Marriage it is still not the situation we wanted to be because we are lucky the wall which is God’s presence. And yes Marriage might never become perfect, but yes it could! Once we are keeping an eye on things that delivered joy and contentment. In order to reach the “Till Death do us Part” we should let God guide, showed the right path on our marriage, and let him to be the leader of our marriage and most of all God should be the center in whatever we goes in life.

For you my readers to let you know I am happily married going 6 years together 5years married. So far my marriage is perfect according to my own perception and eye sight. And I can’t poke out any situation that my husband and I been to a bad situation that lead us to think about undergoing to Divorce and I’ll surely that would never be happen in the future. I am in my man’s arms right now, which is never the reason for a Bad marriage. And vice versa for that for me I give totally respect loyalty and Love to my husband. And this happen because of God’s Blessing to my marriage. I give my vows to my Man with my only one witness my faith to God and as long as we have this strong faith I can assure that the fire I have right now will never be banished whatever obstacle we are going through in the future.

BY: Yen-Yen

Have a sexyful, bountiful, wonderful, and blissful day folks.:)


  1. Ok Yen Yen, what you say is true. But you left out one reason for divorce is when the Philippine lady marries the western man just for money and a green card. No love, and decieves the man just so she can send money to the lazy bother or boyfriend in the Philippines. And that all ladies from the Philippines always have the Philippine boyfriend in the background. Why are you Philippine ladies like that? Don't marry for economics as it is not fair. Just my opinion. Your post is good, but you leave that point out. Is it because you are a Philippine lady???

  2. Mr/Mrs Anonymous,
    I noticed if i'm not mistaken your always following my blog. actually thanks for following me.:)

    I hear you and it observed me that might be you had this vile relationship in the past, or maybe one of your friends? i dont know.

    Ok as you read again this blog, I stated aboved that in order to a Marriage relationship work it has "two souls needed to be united". n this statement cleard out about "LOVE", maybe I should state it more deeply but I thought it is understandable for my readers already or YOU!

    I admit your right in their, but remember not all FILIPINA WOMAN does the same thing that only looking for this "GREEN CARD AND YOU WESTENERS MONEY". hey this is vice versa you know? if you respect me as your wife then assure you that i do to unto you. but if you treat me like a GARBAGE then surely I'll give it back to you more than the GARBAGE you spit on me.

    My friend, Im a FILIPINA 100% I give my vows to the Man my Husband right now we been 6yrs going together, my Husband is not rich, but here we are the nest of our Love istill exist right this second:) because WHY? we does not goes this GARBAGE thing.

    I dont care the money or your GREENCARD I just want you to LOVE me! and thats me as a FILIPINA i dont know the other's thoughts, but i dont need to poke any reason for you to believed me OKAY!

    Hey just a hint for you, next time make sure to get a FILIPINA WIFE same like my Character or some of my Faithful friends that Marry same like i do. There surely your Love Story wll "end-up NOT TO DIVORCE and it wll be a HAPPY ENDING STORY", okay buddy?.

    P.S maybe also why your wife divorce you coz you exert your action doing the following reason stated aboved of this article?. again vice versa! try to look back okay! what you think?.


  3. Dearest Yen, please allow me to react on the first comment in here.

    To you Mr./ Ms. Anonymous i am sorry if you had had an awful experience with a filipina lady. If ever you had, you must be very unlucky and sad and angry about it. But if not, and you just write this here according to your own observations and thé like, than i would really want you to hear me. Its you who is being so judgmental and unfair in here then.

    I am a filipina too, and for your information, i have a western man as well. BUT i dont send even a single cent to my family. See? Not all filipina ladies marry for economic reasons, buddy. :)But even if I do will send money to my family back in Philippines, I don’t think it is a crime. So what if we are supporting them? It is us. Filipinos just think of family more than anything else. When a Filipina marries, be it to a western man or a Filipino national, still we never forget our families. Do you see the point?

    You are partly right. When you said it shouldn’t be like that- to marry for economic reasons. I agree to that. But to judge us as if we are like criminals who want just green card and all that green whatsoever is very unfair of you.

    If you know a Filipina who is a bitch then, I condemn her being such. Bitches and sluts are everywhere. And so why why why in the world must you say in particular that Filipina ladies this and that…filipina ladies.. blah blah blah… I bet you have more bitch in your country, If not, why do you western men like us more and prefer us much more, huh? Bitches are everywhere in the world, buddy. The only difference I see is that… YOURS DO IT FOR FREE!

    If one Filipina has broken your heart, why not give another one a chance? :)But I suggest you find someone like ME or YEN-YEN. :) and you will see, you will feel heaven on earth.. hahaha… peace buddy. Good luck to you! :)

  4. Ohhh my god Ann, I just find this comment of yours when I check my spam box, and it's there. Again I am so sorry for the delayed published!

    He/she haven't Rply yet, I wonder if he/she still poking my blog!
    I hope this person whoever it is find peace and forgiveness on the end. This issues is very critical, and mostly got point out.:)

    Thank you Ann for this comment of yours I hope the person who wrote the comments above find peace and redu his/her words about "all filipina is negative"

    Best regards,


Thank you so much for dropping by my firend.:)