
Old Faithful Geyser at Yellow Stone National Park.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

“I am obsessed on Shoes big time”

This article crosses on my mind thinking that it’s time to write an easy simple gurly topic after my two crucial heavy articles earlier. Now it’s time to loosen up and talk about fashion things.
Okay okay okay, you read it right!!! Every time I go to a Mall, one thing in my mind is SHOES SHOES SHOES. Actually it’s not my mind it’s my two little eyes that push me to get one! So you can blame my two little eyes now! Okay in my earlier Blog article I said I’m in love with BAGS, and now I’m obsessed with Shoes, which is what really? Ohh well it’s both my friend.
Yes I confess that I’m a shopaholic yes. I’m not embarrassed to acknowledge that I Love to shop and shop and shop. I Love to check-out Jewelry, Clothing, Bags, and Shoes and ops more and more. Anyway my point to this article is to write and easy fashion collection and again Shoes is also one of my collection. I Love shoes, I love to wear a fancy trendy, colorful, flat, with Heels,  open windy toes sandals, or closed shoes. I have different types, colors and styles.
I reminisce when I’m on my childhood stage I used to wear all the time this Black woman shoes for my school uniforms! Oppsss and yes in the Philippines as were I came from students wear School Uniforms five days a week. In Western schools it is rare to see students wearing uniforms.
I reminiscence my Black Shoes! I loved wearing them with my white top blouse and my blue skirt school uniforms. For me I looked so clean and neat with these shoes.  I took good care of these shoes too, as my Mom keep reminding me to take care of them because she only buy once a year for me hehhehe! It’s a Moms thing.:) There is one afternoon raining hard and I have to walk home from school.  Actually I can ride Public Transportation but because of my hard head I personally wanted to walk with my friends and classmates than to ride back home.  And the only cents I have for my Transport is already disappeared coz I already spend it for some snacks again during the day. But anyway because it’s raining hard I intend to carry my shoes and wrapped it in a plastic and put it in my pack bag. And walk barefoot hhahahha how crazy is that every time I remember those crazy brains of mine, I just laugh it hard and sometimes I cried over those silly acts of mine during those old days I have. I don’t know why but for me during those scenarios my shoes is very much important.
There’s some point too that my shoes is already long wore out, and here again I know that it’s not the only me who meet the experienced I have about shoes. We know that many of the population in the Philippines are having trouble to sustain their own basic needs. One time when I am in my classroom about 3 or 5 of my Classmates bullies me about holes in my shoes, saying that why I have holes in my shoes. They laughed at me all the time. And there I always think that I have to finish my goal as what my Mother marked to my brain Yen-Yen finish your School don’t mind that you have no good shoes, because the important is your Education. To reach a Diploma is the highest peak of our lives. After your school you can get a good highly paid job, and by then you can buy whatever you want and tons of shoes. I keep saying to myself how long should I grow up more in order to attain my goal? How many bullies should I have to hear from my School in order to escape the hardship of education? How and why all the time?
But now to end this article, here I am now, I hardly count my Shoes and I still want to collect and collect more. I won’t get tired to buy more as I keep saying I totally deserved it from my own hardship. I have this different types of Shoes that I brought from, Hong-Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, France, Italy, Switzerland, USA from the 5 different states, and here mostly in Czech Republic. Oppppsss don’t forget I also have more from my own home land Philippines. Sounds like boastful right? But no no no I’m saying the reality here and if you want me to hand you a proof? Easy I’ll hand you my proof.  
 They are there like a Sardens fighting for their little tiny space. I cant get a new space for them right now bcoz no place yet. But once will move a new Flat surely the'll can breath more, but for now they have to wait a little bit for temporary.
Thats where they are now! it's magic on how I hide them heheh:)
 Actually I Love to spend Shoes wherever places I am or whenever I am on travel or on a Country. First thing I do is to get a Country product that originally made by that specific country!  Like shoes, bags, and clothing. As you know right now almost most of the products are made by China, and acknowledge it or not even if you brought those products in the country of USA but made in China! Actually it’s kind a devastating or shall I say in my own dramatic language “ANO BA YAN made in China.” Mostly if that's so, I don’t give an intensity to buy it!  But except it is the style that I really wanted to have plus it’s cute. But mostly really when I’m traveling, the product that I treasured the most is the product that made by own Country because it’s unique as what I said most products now are made by China, so as long as I can I used to get the own country product for my collection. 
Made in KSA. I love to wear this Everythime I wear my Blue gown:)

Made in Indonesia.
This is the Shoes I wore during my College Graduation.
Made in USA. The 1st Shoes I brought in State and wore during my 1st Phantom of the Opera @ the Theater.
Nine West.

Made in Malaysia.

Made in China.
Made in Malaysia.
I got this in my P.I

Philippines Vs. France
Made in France.
 My 1st hiking boots that I hate to wear.

 Made in HK. My 1st Tennis Shoe.
 Spalding my 2nd Tennis shoes.

 My 1st Converse.
 My Favorite Casual walking soo confy:)
My 1st Belly Dancing Shoes I so love this.
Just one of the Shoes that I can't wear outside bcoz it's big on me but I'm hard headed I still purchased it.
Made in Italy Leather. The 1st fashion boots I purchased from Italy 4yrs ago.

My 1st Snow boots that I ordered Online from www.Jcpenny.com 4yrs ago.
My husband keep saying to me why you have to wear that shoes that uncomfortable for you? I worry you walking with those shoes! You have this and those and that shoes! Why this one that hurts and contributes you the blusters on your foot? Nevertheless here I am again stubborn woman! I don’t know why but I concede sometimes I do spend a shoes by their looks because they are pretty and cute, even though it provide me this bluster but I don’t care “I do love it” so please mind your business! I’m crazy right? Yes I am you can say it!  I remember few of my shoes I brought it even won’t fit me right gossshhhh I’m sooo ridiculous! My husband said you’re wasting that you even hardly wear it because it won’t fits you right! It’s not the correct size for you. But instead of saying sorry honey! I response conceitedly I like it, there is no more size for me but I love it so cute, and what I’m going to do, I will just wear it here in the house for my pictorial photos hahhaha yes and still useable for me. I can see the nose of my love Husband smoking and just say you are sooo spoiled. Which I love hearing it.
             My all time Favorite shoes of all. My Wedding Shoes June 3, 2006
 Made in Italy fine Leather. I purchased it in the Power Plant Mall Makati Philippines 5years ago.  
 As i remember this hunk pretty Shoes is about 600US$ when I purchased it.
The Minute my Eyes saw this Pretty chipmonk Shoes I told my self YES this is it. This is the perfect one for my Wedding dress.Most of the time I wore this Wedding Shoes during my Evening gown event too.

Have a sexyful, bountiful, wonderful, and blissful day folks.:) free counters